Introduction: Valentine's Day Wreath

About: I'm a professional writer and an amateur sewist, builder, hot gluer, dremel user, crocheter, painter, paper crafter, and baker.
I don't know about you, but I've been seeing DIY wreaths all over Pinterest. However, all of the tutorials I've seen use styrofoam or straw wreaths in the shapes of heart. I am not spending money on something I could potentially mess up, so instead I used cardboard.

I used:
Hot glue gun

Step 1: Cutting Out the Base

I cut out a heart shape from a cardboard box that was wasting space. I just drew a heart, cut out half of the heart, then folded it in half and cut the rest. After that, I cut out the middle by using the same method.

Step 2: Cutting Out Felt Circles

With a drinking glass from my kitchen, I traced circles onto the felt and cut them out. I probably used around five sheets of felt. I bought a huge pack of felt for two dollars (after a coupon) at JoAnn's the other day, so this DIY was basically a steal for me!

Step 3: Making the Ruffles

Now you're ready to start assembling. Grab a circle, fold it in fourths, cut the bottom off and glue onto the cardboard. Easy!

Step 4: Finishing Touches

Because uniformity is not my middle name, I made the felt circles go in all sorts of directions. Hot glue some ribbon on the back so you can hang it wherever you please. I really like the way it came out.
UP! Contest

Participated in the
UP! Contest

Valentine's Day Contest

Participated in the
Valentine's Day Contest

Cardboard and Duct Tape Contest

Participated in the
Cardboard and Duct Tape Contest