Introduction: Vanilla Cupcakes With Lemon Smarties Topping Recipe



175g flour

120ml milk

150g sugar

1,5 pkt. vanilla sugar

120g butter

2 teaspoons baking powder

2 eggs

50g powder sugar

lemon juice

a pinch of salt

100g smarties

Muffin baking pan for 12 muffins

Step 1: Preparation

Give the eggs, the vanilla sugar & the sugar in a bowl and stir it together. Add the butter and stir again. Now add the flour, baking powder & the pinch of salt and stir. Give the milk to it step by step and stir it creamy. Fill the dough in themuffin baking pan.

Step 2: Finish

Put the form in the oven at 180 degrees celsius circulating air for about 30 minutes. Cut the smarties. Give powder sugar and a few spoons lemon juice and stir it together. Dip the muffins in the sugar lemon mix and into the smarties pieces.

Look at my other work.

Snacks Contest 2017

Participated in the
Snacks Contest 2017