Introduction: Vegan Lemon Zucchini Muffins

About: I love vegan food! Here you can find my home-cooked food as well as delicious treats (I´m obsessed with chocolate!). Check out my blog for more inspirations.

This is my first sweet Zucchini Muffin recipe. I used Zucchini for the first time as well as lemon zest. These muffins turned out so delicious and fluffy. Also, the kitchen smelled heavenly because of the lemon scent :-) You can find the complete post on my Blog. For this recipe, you only need a few basic ingredients that you often already have at home. You'll love this delicious late summer healthier muffin version!

Step 1: Ingredients

  • 270 ml Oat Milk
  • 240 gr Spelt Flour
  • 1/2 – 1 Zucchini
  • 1 Lemon
  • 30 gr Walnuts
  • 2 tbsp Baking Powder
  • 100 gr Brown Sugar
  • 65 ml Coconut Oil
  • 1 tbsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1 pinch of Salt

(Healthy replacement for sugar: Maple or Agave Syrup, Coconut Sugar)

Step 2: Grate & Grind

First grate zucchini and lemon zest finely with a grater, grind walnuts with a mortar into small pieces and squeeze out the zucchini shreds so that you don’t have too much liquid in the dough.

Step 3: Mix Everything Together

Mix dry ingredients together and liquid ingredients separately including zucchini and lemon shreds. Then stir liquid ingredients into dry ingredients. Don´t forget to add your walnuts!

Step 4: Bake Them!

Divide batter into muffin tin and bake the muffins for about 15 – 20 minutes. A tip for you: Don´t use paper cups for your muffins because the muffins often stick to it and they don´t turn out quite as juicy. You can simply grease the molds and then put your dough directly into the muffin cups.

Step 5: Enjoy Your Muffins :-)

Serve them with coconut whip or add a lemon glaze! Don´t forget your tea or coffee with them.