Introduction: Vintage Alarm Clock Radio Display (Vintage Contest)

Hi everybody this is my creativity by me I is 10 year old.Please vote at VINTAGE CONTEST....

Step 1: Materials

You must prepare the materials:

-HVS Paper



-Glue or double tape

-something object rectangle

Step 2: Closing the Object Picture

Wrap the object with HVS Paper,origami,or buffalo

Step 3: Clock

Add the clock using origami paper,after that attach the clock on the rectangle object

Step 4: Radio Controller

Add paper with margin 0,5 CM,

Step 5: Volume and Frequensy(Channel)

Make volume and frequensy controller with HVS paper.Make circle and give colour (Frequensy controller is bigger than volume controller) and then attach on the margin paper

Step 6: Finishing

After finish,you can editing your vintage alarm clock display.....

Step 7: My Thank You for You

Thanks for your attention,I is 10 year old this is my creativity i hope you want vote my creativity because i is 10 year at VINTAGE CONTEST....


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