Introduction: W6100 and ENC28J60 Performance on RP2040 at 10Mbps Ethernet

Comparison of W6100 & ENC28J60 on RP2040 at 10Mbps Ethernet through iperf. W6100 supports 10/100Mbps and IPv4/IPv6.

In my test, I delved into a comparative analysis of the W6100 and ENC28J60 chipsets' performance on the RP2040 platform at a 10Mbps Ethernet setting.


WIZnet W6100-EVB-Pico

[SMG] ENC28J60-Microchip Module

Step 1: Chipset Capabilities

Here's a brief overview:

Chipset Capabilities: The W6100, developed by WIZnet, is versatile, supporting both 10Mbps and 100Mbps Ethernet. In contrast, Microchip's ENC28J60 is limited to 10Mbps. Both chipsets operate via the SPI interface.

Step 2: Testing Framework

Testing Framework: I utilized the RP2040 SDK LWIP and conducted the iperf test to gauge the performance. For those interested in replicating or diving deeper into the methodology, I've made available a dedicated GitHub Repository, RP2040-LWIP-C, which houses the test code and comprehensive setup instructions.

Step 3: Key Findings

Key Findings: The tests revealed that the W6100 slightly outperformed the ENC28J60.

W6100 LWIP iperf Test: 4.24 Mbits/sec

ENC28J60 LWIP iperf Test: 3.76 Mbits/sec

The W6100 has TOE (TCP Offload Engine), enabling it to achieve speeds of up to 8.91 Mbits/sec at 10Mbps. These results can be influenced by the specific network environment.

Additional Insights: The W6100 is further enhanced with support for both IPv4/IPv6 and dual-speed (10Mbps/100Mbps) Ethernet capabilities.

For more details, please refer to the article below

: W6100 and ENC28J60 Performance on RP2040 at 10Mbps Ethernet

Thank you for reading.