Introduction: Water Level Sensor
This is a simple project using the gen4-uLCD-43DT that measures water level in a container by using an external circuit composed of transistors, resistors and some jumper wires.
DIABLO16 in gen4-uLCD-43DT is used as the main Processor in this project. The module’s GPIO pins are utilised with the aid of the gen4-PA Board and FFC cable. Genie Magic environment was used in creating this project. This enables the LCD to act as a stand-alone device and does not require an extra MCU such as an Arduino to process signals.
Step 1: How It Works
The LCD will be the indicator for the water level of a tank
Step 2: Components
- gen4-uLCD-43DT module
- BC547 Transistor or equivalent
- Resistors
- gen4-PA Board
- 30 way FFC Cable
- uSD Card
- Micro USB Cable
- Connecting Wires
- Tank (water container)
Step 3: Build
The following circuit was used for the project. This circuit design is from
Build the circuit as shown in the diagram. (1st image)
If you are using gen4-PA board, connect the display to the PC. (2nd image)·
Step 4: Program
Download the project file here.
Open the project using Workshop 4. This project uses the Visi-Genie Magic Environment.
You can modify the properties of each widget.
Connect the display to the PC using uUSB-PA5 and a mini USB cable. Make sure that you are connected to the right port. Red Button indicates that the device is not connected, Blue Button indicates that the device is connected to the right port.
Now click on the “(Build) Copy/Load” button.
Workshop 4 will prompt you to select a drive to copy the image files to a uSD Card. After selecting the correct drive, click OK.
The module will prompt you to insert the uSD card. (1st image)
Properly unmount the uSD Card from the PC and insert it to the uSD Card slot of the display module. The image below must appear on your display after completing the steps above. (2nd image)
Step 5: Demonstration
You can now use the 4D Catalogue and navigate to different products by pressing the Winbuttons.
The display can also be mounted in a bezel.