Introduction: Watercolor Unicorn Mask + Free Printable

About: I am an Industrial Designer, who obviously loves to create. Now that I am a mom, most of my creations are inspired by my daughers. I believe that if more parents were making stuff with their kids, the world wo…

On this instructable I'll show you a fun craft that will make any little girl smile. It's the perfect activity for a unicorn themed party or for a rainy day.

I already made the design and I'm sharing it with you to make your life easier! You are welcome!

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

Watercolor paper



Paint palette


Elastic thread

Step 2: Print

Begin by cutting out a watercolor paper the size of a letter paper. Feed the printer with the watercolor paper and print this file I made.

I love my watercolor crayons, (gelatos by Faber Castell) there are so many different ways to use them and the bright colors are perfect for kids projects.

I'll show you how I make them work as normal watercolors. Even though I love how they color directly into the paper, I like to add variety.

I color the bottom of the wells with different colours. Then just add some drops of warm water.

Step 3: This Is the Fun Part

Now the girls can have fun painting their unicorns.

Step 4: Cut

When the watercolors are dry, it's time to cut out the masks.

Make a hole where I draw a circle and tie the elastic as shown in the picture.

That's it. Craft time is over, now the little unicorns are ready to play!

Makerspace Contest 2017

Participated in the
Makerspace Contest 2017