Introduction: White Noise Helicopter
How to create an aesthetically pleasing helicopter whose rotor blades provide a relaxing white noise
18 gauge sheet metal
- 1 sheet 2sqft
- 1 sheet 4sqft
2 ft Iron rod (any small gauge)
Mig welder
Plasma cutter
Ban saw
1 sheet of thin metallic vinyl
2sqft 1/4th inch transparent arylic sheet (light green)
Mouldable Glue (from amazon)
Stepper motor
Soldering kit
9v battery
Battery snap on connector
Acrylic Paint
Gesso primer
Step 1: Plan Out Design on 3d Computing Software to Understand Design and Shapes
play around with each angle so you can understand the design better before you jump in
Step 2: Get Your 2sqft Sheetmetal and Measure the Head of Copter With Sharpie
leave hole for window
make sides symmetrical
Step 3: Plasma Cut Sharpie Lines and Cut the Middle in Whole
attach from an angle inside with mig welder
Step 4: Lay Head on Side on Top of 4sqft Sheetmetal and Draw Angle to a Long, Triangular Point
leave room for repeated shape
plasma cut this
trace shape again in sheetmetal
attach to head with mig welder
Step 5: Lay Copter Upside Down on Excess Sheetmetal and Trace Inside of Top With Sharpie
attach with mig welder on top
Step 6: Lay Copter Unpaid Down and Plasma Cut Hole in the Top
Step 7: Plasma Cut One Top Fin and Two Identical Fins to Your Satisfaction
weld them on at an angle
Step 8: Cut Iron Rod Into 4 Pieces
two identical
one larger
one smaller
Step 9: Bend Two Identical Pieces on Each End
keep the other two strait
Step 10: Weld Together Like So
Step 11: Weld Onto Bottom
Step 12: Trace Plexi a Tad Bigger (inch on Each Side) Than Window Opening
use ban saw to cut plexiglass on sharpie line
Step 13: Attach Plexiglass From Inside Using Moudable Glue
Step 14: Soldier Stepper Motor to 9v Battery Snap on
Step 15: Cut Three Strips of Vinyl and Snap Into Stepper Motor Fan Clip
bend each at an angle so they lightly scrape top of copter