Introduction: Windows 7 Customizing: How to Put Spaces in Your Taskbar

Do you find it annoying when using Windows 7 and the task just seems to squashed together, No, well go away... Soz for that but for those of you that know what I'm on about this is to help better style your tabbed programs and files. 

If you look below you can see what I am here to help you with. Trust me this tutorial doesn't require any software and anything that complicated, all you really need are Shortcuts. Yeah I said Shortcuts, you may not know but those spacers are actually invisible links to a fake program. 

Step 1: Getting the Spacers

Okay, If you want to I could show you how to create these invisible Shortcuts, but because I'm lazy I will just give them to you. If you click on this link HERE, there are all the spacers you will need, 4 to be exact.

To extract the files you will need a program like WinRar:

WinRAR x86 (32 bit): HERE

WinRAR x64 (64 bit): HERE

Step 2: Using the Spacers

This best place to put the Spacers are somewhere you won't move or loose them by mistake. After you've extracted the files onto your desktop or anywhere you want to temporally place them, separate the Blank Folder away form the other.

Now move the Blank Folder into your C:\ Drive or main computer Drive and place the folder in the Windows Folder

This is what your file directory should look like:


Step 3: Now Use Them

Just Drag the Shortcut Files onto your Taskbar and you should be set...

If you want more Spacer just duplicate one of the Program files, call it for example 'blank5', create a Shortcut and change it to the blank icon found in the same folder.

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