Introduction: Witches Face
Make fun witches with colored construction paper.
Step 1: Step One: Materials
- You will need:
- Orange, yellow, black, red, white, and green construction paper
- Glue
- Scissors
Step 2: Step Two: Hat
Cut from the black construction paper a curved triangle for the witch's hat.
Cut out a strip that will fit on the hat from the red construction paper.
Then glue the strip on the hat and press it down with your hands and its perfect.
Step 3: Step 3: Face
Cut out a yellow circle for her face (in the picture you can see).
Glue it on the back of her hat.
Step 4: Step Four: Hair/Nose
Now use the orange construction paper for her hair; cut the paper in long strips, folding from the center creating a V-shape with the strips.
Glue the orange Construction paper on the sides of her hat. Now your hair is done.
Now cut out a triangle shape from the orange paper and put it down or sideways, now your witches faces is almost done.
Step 5: Step Five: Eyes
Cut out white Construction paper as a circle then cut the green Construction paper as a circle then cut the black Construction paper as a triangle and glue them to form the eyes.
Step 6: Step Six: Teeth/Mouth
Cut a Triangle shape and put cute little teeth on her and glue them.
Now your done with the witches face. Enjoy!!