Introduction: How to Make a Wooden Knife

About: Founder of Capstone-X | Electrical & Communication Engineer💡

Whenever you go camping or to an outdoor trip in the forest, to the river you should carry with you the survival kit where the knife is the main tool among the others, and this wooden hand knife is the perfect piece for that purpose.

In this instructable I will show you how to make wooden handle for a knife in a pretty easy way by using a strong glue and a group of wooden discs to stick them together.

By the way forming this wooden handle will not cost you a lot of expensive tools since it is almost handmaded, you will need just a drill and some other handmade tools.

Step 1: Tools and Materials

  • Super glue "alteco"
  • Gloves
  • White glue
  • Saw
  • Drill and drill saw bit
  • Awl
  • Scissor
  • Screws
  • Yarn and pin
  • Leather

Step 2: Saw the Discs

The perfect wood to use is the more strengthen wood just like the oak, where the handle of the knife should be characterized by the strength that gives it enough power and the ability of cutting.

So start by sawing five wooden discs using a 32 mm hole saw bit, while drilling make sure to depend on the slow rythm to make a clear sawing.

Step 3: White Glue - Wooddust Mixture

To prepare this sticky mixture you should have a strong white glue and the wooddust that comes from drilling and sawing.

This mixture characterized by the duribilty where it make a strong layer between the two surfaces and close the gaps between the surfaces.

Make sure to mix them well before use.

Step 4: Stick the Disks Together

Before stick them together, sand the surfaces of each disk to make the handle straight.

Use an awl to center the discs on the same axis.

Use the mixture of glue to stick the discs together by putting a certain amont between each disc.

The total number of disks is 5 but in this step you will stick only 4 discs.

Make sure to press them using a clamp and keep them arround 4 hours to dry.

Step 5: Sanding Papers

Chosing the right sanding papers is quiet important in this work, sanding is also important for the texture of the handle and for it's decorative view

In this instructable you will use 3 types of sanding papers:

  • P100
  • P150
  • P220
  • And P150 for the knife blade

Step 6: Sanding

After sticking them together, start sanding by a P100 sanding paper which the thicker.

Then continue sanding by the P150 sanding paper, more smoother.

And at the end using a P220 sanding paper which gives that smooth surface.

Step 7: The 5th Disk

The 5th disk customized just for the knife's blade.

Drill two holes one on the top of the disk and the other from the side for the screw.

Step 8: Saw the 5th Disk

Before cutting, sand it carefully.

Then saw the 5th disk in half to put the knife blade in their.

Step 9: Screw the Knife's Blade

After cutting the 5th disk in half, put the knife hole on the side drilled hole.

Then set the screw through the hole and add the two pieces together.

This screw is very important for the stability of the knife, so be sure to add it.

Step 10: Stick the 5th Disk

After setting the screw, add glue mixture between the two halfs and close the gaps between them.

Step 11: Stick It Up!

Stick the 5th disk with the whole part of the knife and press it using a clamp.

Step 12: Close the Gaps

Add glue to the upper part where is the hole, and then sand it very well.

Step 13: Final Sanding

Use a sanding bit to sand the hard parts of the piece and sand on the junction point of each pair.

Also sand the knife blade till it can cut well.

Step 14: Polishing

Finally polishing is the last step for this piece. Use a piece of fabric to polish the wood that will give it a amazing bright view.

Step 15: Targeting

Now you can start targeting after the final step.

Step 16: Sewing the Pack of the Knife

When you go camping you should have a pack for the knife to put in and not losing it.

So here we have to sew a pack for the knife.

First you will need for a yarn and a pin and a tight leather.

Here's how to make specifically:

Step 17: Form the Parts of the Pack

Start by cutting the parts of the packs as shown above or you can sew your own pack.

Step 18: Sewing

Sew the upper parts of the leather by a double stitch in each part, and then go on to the other parts of the pack.

Step 19: Add the Stick Batch Cloth

Cut the specific size of the sticky cloth tape on each terminal of the pack.

Step 20: Add the Tongs

Add a small tong on the rear side of the pack to be able to put it on the cloth.

Step 21: Put It On!

Ready to use!!

Step 22: The Final View

Now Gather your stuff and go camping with your knife.