Introduction: Wooden Block Tower With Middle Eastern Touches
This is my 10-year-old daughter's project. It uses blocks from the Haba Extra-Large Starting Set, the no-name 82-piece Architectural Model Building Blocks (both of these are really excellent quality) and, for colorful accents, some standard colored blocks (I think Melissa and Doug).
All the steps are straightforward: the photographs say it all.
The height is about 45 inches.
All the steps are straightforward: the photographs say it all.
The height is about 45 inches.
Step 1: Base
I made my son a base from some scrap wood and some scrap furniture feet so that they could snap together Lego projects more easily on a carpeted floor. The kids have since discovered it really helps with the balance of wooden block towers.
Step 2: Layer 1
Very straightforward. Note that the block sets didn't have four of the full-length columns and so two columns needed to be put together from separate pieces. My daughter thinks it looks more interesting like that.
Step 3: Layer 2
Color accents help.
Step 4: Layer 3
Step 5: Layer 4
Step 6: Layer 5
The onion dome and steps are a detail to peek out between columns.
Step 7: Layer 6
Step 8: Layer 7
Getting narrower...
Step 9: Layer 8
And now for the tip!
And a guard, just in case!
It's surprisingly solid on the wooden base. For the final pictures, I actually rotated and slid the whole assembly to a better part of the room.
And a guard, just in case!
It's surprisingly solid on the wooden base. For the final pictures, I actually rotated and slid the whole assembly to a better part of the room.