Introduction: World Famous Pocodeto Burger

About: I write software and do other stuff too.

This style of burger is called different names by different folks in different regions. The main requirement is that it smacks of your favorite meats, seasonings, vegetables, and toppings all in harmony in one juicy monsterwich.

Today's incantation of the famous Pocodeto Burger brings together flavors from across the Americas, North, South and Central. This skyscraper is built with burger meat, meunster cheese, chimichurri-marinaded-beef, a yolk-gushing fried egg, some delicious vegetables, and a special surprise you'll see in a bit.


    • Ground beef
    • Thin cut cube steak
    • Avocado
    • Cheese
    • Potato Sticks
    • Eggs
    • Lettuce, Tomato, Onion
    • (homemade) Chimichurri marinade
    • Your favorite burger seasonings
    • Your favorite condiments
    • Buns

    Step 1: Steak Prep

    You don't need to go all the way to Argentina for delicious chimichurri. We make the sauce by mixing:

    • 4 parts dried oregano
    • 2 parts finely diced garlic cloves
    • 1 part fresh chopped cilantro
    • salt & pepper & hot paprika ( to taste )
    • enough olive oil to saturate the mixture
    • white vinegar to taste ( maybe 1 part vinegar to 4 parts oil )

    This isn't the classic recipe for chimichurri, but it tastes great! Mix these up and then let your steaks have a good night's rest in the marinade.

    Step 2: Burger Prep

    I like my burgers big, but not too big. I make them with a quarter pound of ground beef each plus salt, pepper and granulated garlic to taste. These things have enough fat in them ( 85% lean ) that they'll stay lusciously moist and patty-shaped without any extra liquids or binders like bread crumbs.

    Step 3: Get Out There

    The burgers go on first. We give them four minutes on each side. A little after the first flip we put the steaks on. Then a minute or two later we flip the steaks. While we cook the meat we should leave the lid on to prevent flare ups from the dripping grease.

    When the meat is done we slide it over to the side away from the coals to stay warm, then we get the pan on there and fry an egg quickly. The sight of the egg yolk dripping down the side of the burger while I tore into it is of the most tantalizing sights from recent memory.

    But I'm getting ahead of myself. When you pull everything off the grill dont forget to get the buns on there for a few seconds to get warmed up and emblazoned with grill lines.

    Step 4: Protip: Lighting the Coal

    Don't buy lighter fluid. A balled up paper towel soaked in old cooking oil and placed under the charcoal pyramid will get you going in minutes. It will also save you a few bucks and help keep your drains clear of used oil that you might have poured down there, blissfully unaware of what a bad idea that is.

    Step 5: Protip: Getting a Grill

    You don't need that fancy Weber the pros on YouTube use. We've made a
    couple of years of great dinners with a $40 dollar grill from the supermarket. Hell, we don't even have a brush for this thing! You can wipe off the grill with the other half of the onion you were going to throw out anyway; scrubbing with an onion does a fantastic job of getting the grate looking squeaky clean.

    Step 6: Avengers, Assemble

    No Across-The-Americas burger would be complete without a few slices of ripe avocado. The secret ingredient to this burger is the potato sticks. A good amount of these on top will give even more crunch than your crispiest iceberg lettuce. And for me, no meal is really complete without a good dose of hot sauce. Valentina extra hot is one of my favorites, and it's only a couple of bucks for the jug size.

    Step 7: The Pocodeto Burger

    For the entomologists in the audience bugged by the name of this burger, the etymologist steps in; this burger has Un poco de to(do)!