Introduction: Wrist Wallet - Quick and Easy - for Running
Recently I have started to go running. My running tights have a back pocket with zipper. But if I put on a different pair of sports trousers then I have to go with the tie key on shoelace method and I find that very tedious as I always tie my shoes before leaving the house, only to remember that I need to lock up when I stand outside.
So I thought a wrist wallet would be a good idea. This is a quick and easy version. It is made of one rectangular piece of fabric and straight zigzag stitches.
Step 1: What You Need
Stretchy fabric (I chose a polyester fabric with a thin fleece lining, which I chose to be on the outside instead of the inside. This makes it more comfortable to wear)
A sewing machine & thread
- A pair of scissors & measuring tape
Step 2: Prepare Fabric
First you need to cut out a rectangle.
The short side should be the one that can be streched the most and should be as long as the circumference of your wrist.
The long side should be approximatly three times the length of the object you want to put into the wallet. Leave it a bit longer if you are worried that it won't be enough (that is what I did).
Step 3: Sew
You need to sew four straight lines.
Start by flipping over 1cm of fabric on the short side and sew a zigzag line straight across.
Then flip over the edge once more, this time so far that your object (for example key) is covered about 3/4. And sew along the edge.
The next part is the backside. This needs to be as long as your object. Fold your fabric at this point and sew your third line.
The last line is again a fold about 1cm from the edge.
Now fold the outside flaps inward and fold the whole thing in the middle (of the short side, that is now the longer one). Be sure that the side that you want to face outward later on is now on the inside. And then sew a straight line along the open edge.
Turn your fabric over and you are done.
Step 4: Finishing
Now you can decorate it if you wish (I hand stitched the heart on the front side) and start wearing it.
The stretchy fabric holds the key in place really well, so I am happy :)
I hope you like it too and and I am looking foreward to seeing your versions of my wrist wallet!