Introduction: XBOX One S Modification
This project is a purely aesthetic modification of an XBOX One S system. I was able to make this project come to life in my Intro to Engineering Design class taught by Ms. Berbawy. She provided the necessary tools, materials, and knowledge for me to complete this project successfully.
This project was not thought of by me originally. I saw an image on Google, which led to a directory to a YouTube tutorial. I had thought to improve this idea by painting the case, and rastering a design into the window for the case. In my opinion, this makes the modification more appealing and interesting on a design level. This project also meant a lot to me because I have been an avid gamer from a very young age, playing and creating video game related things. Modifying my console to be different than any other just shows my interest in the hobby, and represents a young life with interest and purpose. The link to the video which inspired this project is below. If you enjoyed this project, take a look at the video.
Step 1: What You Need
What You Need:
12x12 Clear sheet of acrylic
Dremel or Scroll Saw
File or Sandpaper
Universal Laser Cutter
Spray paint
Step 2: Draw/Cut a Rough Hole
Draw a rough estimate of how you want your hole to be on the top side of the white shell. Cut close to this with a dremel. It will burn the plastic, so don't cut exactly on the line. This can be fixed later. If you would like to avoid the melting and have access to a scroll saw, you can use that as well.
Step 3: Create a File for Laser Cutting
Create a shape similar to the shape you cut, and dimension it to be slightly larger than the hole itself. This is so the piece can be glued into the hole properly.
Make lines 0.1 stroke, and 255R, 0G, 0B
Make rasters pure black.
Make sure everything is centered so it will look nice.
Step 4: Laser Cut the Window
For this step, use a laser cutter to create your window. In my case, this was a Universal Laser Cutter. I used this to cut/raster the file I had created in the previous step. Prepare it for mounting if necessary.
Step 5: Sand/Paint the Case
The hole you cut in the case is still deformed at this point. The plastic is frayed due to the heat and friction from the dremel. You can either change the bit on the dremel to sand this down, or do what I did and use a file. Be prepared for ear torture. This will also likely frustrate you. Bring snacks for this step, because it should take at least 30 minutes. Also in this step, lightly sand the rest of the case to promote paint adhesion, and paint the case with any designs you want. I went with a straight separation of grey to green along the middle of the case.
Step 6: Mount the Window to the Case
You can use hot glue,super glue, acrylic cement, or really any adhesive for this. Just align the cut where it needs to be, and glue it down. If you're overkill, you can even melt plastic onto the edges. The only thing that matters is that it won't detach with slight to medium pressure. DO NOT ACCIDENTALLY GLUE THE SURFACE OF THE PLASTIC, AS IT IS TIME CONSUMING TO FIX.
Step 7: Install RGB Strip/Put Case Back Together
You now install the rgb strip, and if needed, cut a hole for the rgb header in the back of the case, or solder it to the power supply. I personally cut a hole for the header, so the lights can be on when the system is not. You can now put the system back together again, and