Introduction: Yogurt Facemask!

About: Hi! I love baking, painting, drawing, and creating things!

This facemask will help keep your face nice and moisturized! My face gets really dry during the winter, so I thought other people might have the same problem! You make this mask once a week and your skin will be nice and moisturized!


You will need:

  • 2 tbsp of yogurt
  • 1 tsp of honey
  • 3 pumps of lotion

Step 1: Mix

All you need to do is put all of your ingredients in a bowl and mix!

Step 2: Done!

I like putting mine in the fridge, but you can just put yours right on if you want. Leave on for 20 minutes and wash off! Enjoy!

Thank you, stay safe!

Self-Care Challenge

Participated in the
Self-Care Challenge