Introduction: Candle Holder

About: I am a grad student who studies the history of things like art.
this is a cool way to hold candles. they burn you if you do it with your hands. candles are good to cover up mess good lighting would reveal.

Step 1: Make a Model.

I lost my model, but you don't need to keep it because it is only the model. these are the finished pieces. the model looked the same, but it was cardboard. that's why it was the would have burned it it was the project.

Step 2: Get a Boyfriend With Access to a Lasercutter.

It's kind of hard to get a boyfriend before you have the romantic light of candles, but you'll manage. you could also get a girlfriend. this is an example. he is mine.

Step 3: Give Him/her Your Model and Tell Them to Cut It for You.

they'll do it if you bug them for at least a month. don't give up.

Step 4: Get Some Candles.

you could also make them too I guess.

Step 5: Slide It All Together.

you can tilt the legs in or out if you don't glue them. that's key!