Introduction: EReader Cover Mod for B&N Nook
My wife loves her Barnes and Noble Nook eReader, but wanted a case to put it in. I looked at several DIY solutions, but she ended up finding this really nice cover on super clearance at Kohl's. It has pockets inside for notes or credit cards, so she could use it as a wallet as well. The problem is that it was designed for a larger tablet so the elastic bands didn't fit her Nook. We got the cover anyway, and I went to work on finding a solution to make it work for her Nook.
As a side note, this is why we got an eReader and not a Nook. It doesn't really have anything to do with the mod, but I thought I would mention it in case anyone cares. My wife was on the fence for a long time about getting an eReader. She loves her books, and didn't know if she would miss the feel of a real one. However, packing multiple books every time we go somewhere was getting to be a hassle. She had a few reasons for not wanting a full tablet, and I agreed with her on all of them.
As a side note, this is why we got an eReader and not a Nook. It doesn't really have anything to do with the mod, but I thought I would mention it in case anyone cares. My wife was on the fence for a long time about getting an eReader. She loves her books, and didn't know if she would miss the feel of a real one. However, packing multiple books every time we go somewhere was getting to be a hassle. She had a few reasons for not wanting a full tablet, and I agreed with her on all of them.
- Battery life is much longer in an eReader than a tablet.
- The eInk display is visible in bright light; as opposed to a typical LCD which would have to have its brightness on maximum to be seen, draining the battery even more.
- She only wants it to read books. Every person we know with a tablet who says they are going to use it read any format of book always ends up wasting time with stupid games or refreshing their email for an hour instead.
- It has a built in light to allow reading in the dark which doesn't hurt your eyes like staring at a bright LCD.
- We have smart phones, why waste money on a tablet?
Step 1: Required Materials
To start, you will probably want some kind of eReader (or Tablet) and some kind of cover. This guide specifically deals with a Nook, but it should work for pretty much anything.
- 4 pieces of sticky back Velcro (3M has this)
- hot glue
- Small Compression springs or spiral binder ring
- 4 pieces of sticky back Velcro (3M has this)
- hot glue
- Small Compression springs or spiral binder ring
Step 2: Initial Attempts
My first idea in making this cover work was to restitch the elastic bands that hold the device in place. I unstitched the original ones, moved them, and restitched them. While this did work OK at first, it didn't look that nice, and after a while, the Nook stopped staying in place.
Step 3: The Velcro Method
My second attempt was to use velcro strips. This has been done many times by many people to great success. It has also work well for my wife.
- Place two of the velcro strips on the back of the device - best is on either side (horizontally) and in the middle, (vertically).
- Put the other two strips on top of the first two, and peel the backs off.
- Place the device in the center of the cover and press down to stick the velcro.
- Hold it in place for a few seconds to ensure the velcro sticks.
Step 4: The Power Button Dilemma
As mentioned, the power button is on the backside of the top of the Nook. Why? I have no flipping idea. But it does make it a bit more difficult to use a cover for the device. To get around this, I came up with a very simple way to push the power button without removing the Nook from the cover.
- Looking at the back of the Nook, measure the distance from the velcro strips to the power button, then make a mark on the cover lining where the power button will be.
- Using hot glue, make a small blob over the mark on the cover lining. Once that has dried completely, make a second, smaller blob of glue over the first. The height of the glue should be similar to the pieces of the velcro separating the Nook from the cover lining.
- Attach the Nook to the velcro and test the glue blob button by pushing down on the top of the device.
Step 5: Final Enhancements
With the glue blob serving to push on the power button, the device might actually turn on without you wanting it to. This is because the power button is resting on the glue blob. To overcome this, I added a pair of springs to hold the device slightly over the button.
Since I didn't have any small compression springs on hand, I used a small section of some plastic spiral binding from an old daily planner book. Two of these pieces were used, one on either side of the glue blob. The height should be just a bit greater than the glue blob itself.
With the springs in place, more force must be used to actuate the power button, so the device only turns on when you want it to!
Since I didn't have any small compression springs on hand, I used a small section of some plastic spiral binding from an old daily planner book. Two of these pieces were used, one on either side of the glue blob. The height should be just a bit greater than the glue blob itself.
With the springs in place, more force must be used to actuate the power button, so the device only turns on when you want it to!
Step 6: Success!
After all of this, you should have one custom cover that works for your Nook device! My wife has been more than happy with this modification. The Nook stays in place, and the power button is easily actuated! Happy wife does equal happy life.