Introduction: Easy Homemade Upcycled Business Cards

About: i am an artist and musician. i make things of use out of things that no longer have use. i think the hip term is "upcycling." i post a lot of inspirational and entertainment videos on occa…

ok, maybe this business card idea isn't for everyone - but it may be for you. for about $20 i had a stamp made and i cut 20 business cards from a single box of cereal and stamp the back. each card has a unique design (sometimes a really cool, pop-art-ish look!), carries all the information it needs and is eco-friendly. very simpl. watch the 2-minute vid.

thanks! -tim

Hand Tools Only Contest

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Hand Tools Only Contest

Teach It! Contest Sponsored by Dremel

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Teach It! Contest Sponsored by Dremel

DIY University Contest

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DIY University Contest