Introduction: Emergency Face Scrub

About: Hi! I'm a slightly feral mountain hermit that likes to be helpful. I do community management at Instructables & Tinkercad. 🙌 Want to hear me chat about making? Search "CLAMP Podcast" on YouTube or your favorit…
This face scrub is what I've been using for a few months now. I never have face scrub on hand - lots of the nice ones I used before included the shells of nuts. With a nut allergy in the house I figured I should pass on those. ;)

Corn meal is a really nice exfoliant - much nicer than putting sugar or salt on your face. :D It's comparable to the apricot scrub that's so popular.

Step 1: What You'll Need

- your favorite face soap (can be creamy or more of a gel)
- about two pinches of corn meal

Step 2: Combine and Scrub!

Put the soap in the palm of your hand and add enough corn meal so that the mix is gritty but still fluid. :)

Mix with your fingers and use immediately!

It's not something you can prepare beforehand because the corn meal soaks up moisture so well. But it is a really excellent fix for dry skin. :D
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