Introduction: An Amazing Device Which Changes Polluted Air Into Clean One

About: Now i am a very busy student in high school,as i plan to become a successful doctor in the future..medical school is definitely my goal in life,i jioned this great website to put my ideas out in public hopeful…

This device is revolutionary to nature and global warming,it is made to reduce the pollution from factories with a percentage of 98.456%, it is placed on the top of every factory to turn polluted air to clean one,it uses the tech of U.V rays which is capable to analize air O2 into free oxygen-O-...... O2 and O will react into O3 which reacts with all the pollutants and gasses from the factory and turn it int H2O2 which is clean white air like the clean fresh clouds....imagine if all the factories use and develop this advice...believe just then global warming will become nothing

go on to see further details


Step 1: Buy an U.v Device

you can find this U.V device from special is very important for this process...the first thing to do is plug it at the top of your device inside and attach it to a power supply to make sure that u.v rays go out ...also you can use a special substance to paint the device from the out side to stop and u.v rays leckge..and i prefer it to be with no color to see the process alive

Step 2: Build 2 Automatic Fans

you have to build 2 automatic fans to make the air go in and out they should be electronic and open and close on regular basis...then begin building the out form of it...and create an electronic system for it

-below you can see simple auto fans and their way of making them

Step 3: Ending

after you finish everything you have to try it out see if it works can make a fire and see if this device cleans this air if it does then you have done it

note :this is an obviuos pic or design of the device which i have made it shows all about it

best wishes

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