Introduction: Guinness World Record Paper Plane Amazing !!

[[Video(, {width:425, height:350})]]well it is a flat nose paper plane that won the world book of records !! paper plane it flys better outside but with this paper plane u fling it up like a javalin !! but don`t get fustrated if it dosent fly because some don`t fly and some do its weird !!

Step 1: Starting Off !!

A4 peice of paper ans fold in half then unfold then bring the bottom corners into the middle !! then the other corner !!

Step 2: Nose Construction !!

start folding it up 2cm at a time and u do that 8 times !! =)

Step 3: Do It As Usual !!

fold in half and bla de bal de bal like u do with all the planes !!! then fold up the sides !! then ur done !! wallaa !! enjoy lol !! =) !!