Introduction: How to Run Ubuntu on an Iphone, Doesnt Work Need Help, Works Now

About: i am a nerd that makes stuff

ok so i wanted to try this but it doesnt work
it says fatal, can not read from the boot disk
to put it on just follow the "how to put windows 95 on your ipod" instructable and put the iso and the text file in these folders
and change the names of the folders to your version and in the text file

i have found the website of the developer of bochs so now im trying to put dsl on my iphone

the dam small linux download has everything you need

i have just succesfully ran ubuntu on my iphone
it is the 10.4.2 iso with this code thingy in the os.ini file
config_interface: textconfig
display_library: nogui
megs: 128
romimage: file="/Applications/", address=0x00000
vgaromimage: file="/Applications/"
boot: cdrom
ata0: enabled=1, ioaddr1=0x1f0, ioaddr2=0x3f0, irq=14
ata0-master: type=cdrom,path="/var/mobile/Library/Bochs/ubuntu/ubuntu-10.04.2-desktop-i386.iso", status=inserted, biosdetect=auto, model="Generic 1234"
floppy_bootsig_check: disabled=0
vga_update_interval: 100000
vga: extension=vbe
keyboard_serial_delay: 250
keyboard_paste_delay: 100000
cpu: count=1, ips=50000000
mouse: enabled=1, type=ps2
clock: sync=none, time0=local
log: -
logprefix: %i - %e%d
debugger_log: -
panic: action=report
error: action=report
info: action=report
debug: action=ignore
pass: action=fatal
keyboard_mapping: enabled=0, map=
keyboard_type: mf
user_shortcut: keys=none

copy that into your os.ini file
damn small linux doesnt work for me yet
also it is super slow
i have now run android and dsl on my iphone so now it has:
ios 4.1
windows 3.1
windows 95

another website

roper instructions