Introduction: IPhone Auto Clicker
There are no auto clickers available to the iphone, until now! This great method works on vnc and is very easy! Lets get clicking!! Use cases: cookie clicker, Kiwicoin, ads, ect.
Step 1: Download Veency
Step 2: Open Up Veency
Step 3: Go to Your Computer
Once you set up veency go to your computer and get vnc software (realvnc.) Then once it opens it will ask you for an ip address and let me show you how to get that.
Step 4: Find Your IPhone's Ip
Go into the settings and wifi then on the wifi your connected to press the (i) button and its the top one. Settings > Wifi > (i) > Ip
Step 5: Finish the Vnc
Type in your iPhones ip address in the box and it will look for it. Once found press continue and continue again. Then type in password if needed.
Step 6: Result of VNC
The screen should look black which is okay just try and position the cursor where the button is.
Step 7: Auto Click Part
The moment we've all been waiting for, the auto clicker!! Download any auto clicker just for your pc/mac and position the cursor on the area you want it to tap.
Step 8: Thanks
Thank you for looking at my instructable and tell me in the comments what you use this for. I'm coming out with an auto clicker that doesn't need a jailbreak and is a lot easier to do. Enjoy