Introduction: 2 Strand Gaucho

This knot is an attractive alternative to a lanyard knot. I used a little over a foot of cord to make each of the top three knots. You will need a dowel or pencil to help shape the knot.

Step 1:

Fold your cord in half and put the loop under a rubber band at the end of the dowel.

Wrap both ends around the dowel.

Step 2:

Take the lower end 1 and bring it under one cord and over the next.

Step 3:

Take the second cord 2 and bring it under one cord and over one.

Step 4:

Bring 2 under the first cord and over one

Step 5:

Bring 1 over two cords, under one cord and over one..

Step 6:

Bring the two ends side by side.

Step 7:

Bring 2 under two cords.

Step 8:

Bring 1 under two cords

Step 9:

Bring 2 over two and from left to right through the center of the knot

Step 10:

Bring 1 over two and from left to right through the center of the knot

Step 11:

Remove the knot from the dowel and tighten