Introduction: A Wooden Heart

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Lets make a Heart

Step 1: Lets Get Started

What you need....

1. A slice of wood

2. A Heart templet

3. Jigsaw or scrollsaw

4. Beltsander or files and sandpaper

5. Linseed Oil

7. A rag or what you have to polish the heart.

Take you slice of wood, trace the heart shape on the wood.

Step 2: Make the Heart

Cut out the heart with a scrollsaw or jig saw.

Trace on the side a line in the middle.

And shape it on the beltsander or use a file and sandpaper.

Step 3: Lets Make It Shiny....

Put some linseed oil on a rag and cover the heart with it.

After the linseed oil is socked into the wood you can use a buffing wheel or a rag the buff it up.

And you will have a shiny little heart.

For full instructions you can watch the video

Before and After Contest 2016

Participated in the
Before and After Contest 2016

Valentine's Day Challenge 2016

Participated in the
Valentine's Day Challenge 2016