Introduction: Apply Scale Operation to TriangleC1

About: I'm an applied physicist by training(phd Yale 2006, BA Berkeley 1998, math and physics), and have done physics research in the federal government and product development in the private sector, starting two of …

This shows how to go from the triangle constructed in my other instruction set, triangleC1, a three inch equilateral triangle subdivided into 4 sub triangles to a identical triangle scaled up or down by 2x. This is an important operation for the shape code I'll describe elsewhere for creating code that generates physical objects.

Step 1: Trace Triangle 4 Times to Make Larger Triangle

This is one of the simplest ways to use the triangular tile from triangleC1. It's also a critical tool for the three dimensional cardboard constructions documented elsewhere on here. The concept should scale way down to micro technology, also to be documented elsewhere here. Move the tile around as needed to get a 6 inch triangle subdivided into 4 3 inch triangles, no ruler is needed but it can help make things look tidy. This can then be colored in and cut out for other constructions, but I'll continue here to the shrunken triangle and a spiral as they keep shrinking.

Step 2: Make Smaller Triangle

Trace the triangle off to one side, mark mid points as in original construction, connect them with ruler, color in, and also color in the bigger one. You now have three identical triangles, all scaled by exactly 2x from each other, and you can continue up or down in this series with other techniques.