Introduction: Blink LED by Using ESP32 NodeMCU WiFi & Bluetooth Module Tutorial


NodeMCU is an open source IoT platform. It is programmed by using the Lua scripting language.The platform is based on eLua open source projects. The platform uses a lot of open source projects, such as lua-cjson, spiffs. This ESP32 NodeMcu contains firmware that can run on ESP32 Wi-Fi SoC chips, and hardware based on ESP-32S modules.It is the WiFi + Bluetooth hardware that can access through WiFi and Bluetooth.


  • Powerful operating hardware IO as arduino
  • micro USB port for power, programming and debugging

  • Using Nodejs similar syntax to write network applications

  • Ultra-low cost WIFI module
  • Dimension: 5.5 x 2.8 x 0.1cm

Step 1: Pin Definition

Step 2: Pin Connection

In this tutorial, connect LED's anode to ESP32's p21 and LED's cathode to ESP32's GND

Step 3: Sample Source Code

Download this sample source code.


Step 4: Uploading

After completing the hardware connection, you have to upload the source code (download at previous page) into the ESP32 by using a micro USB. Before uploading the code, you have to install ESP32's driver into your Arduino IDE, you can check here.

Step 5: Results

As the result, the LED was blinking.