Introduction: Burnt Tomato Bruschetta

About: I love making cooking videos in particular BBQ grilling videos, but a lot of what I do can be done in the kitchen too. Check out my page and subscribe if you like it!

This recipe is inspired by Francis Mallmann's book "seven fires" Creating a simple and elegant dish on the grill, cooked over coals.

The burnt tomato bruschetta takes the tomato to a whole new place. By coating the fruit in flavoursome oil and covering in sea salt and ground black pepper and then adding FIRE - the result offers the sweet taste of the tomato mixed with a toasty bitterness that just works so well together.

This is a great lunch, or starter on the grill whilst you're getting something more "meaty" prepared - and ideal for vegetarians (omit the anchovy) or pescetarians.

Either way you have to try this, the tomato is the star and you'll be burning them every chance you get!

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