Introduction: DIY FAKE FRIES Mcdonald's Memo Holder Polymer Clay Tutorial

DISCLAIMER: there is a strong possibility that this tutorial will make you hungry :P This DIY is super fun and simple and the materials are easy to find! So have fun! :D Pastel Pandaz Fruit Coasters: Pandaz Channel: The Secret Life of Pets Polymer CLAY GIDGET Cotton Candy: Polymer Clay Coco Curry, JAPANESE CURRY, I MISS JAPAN SERIES HD are the materials you will need: -Small fries cup (I got mine for free by asking for it at my local McDonald's)-Translucent and light yellow clay-Toot-White sand-Wax paper-Translucent Liquid Sculpey-Sand paper-Xactoknife-Rolling pin-Paintbrushes-Soft pastels-Hot Glue-Place card holder-Yellow felt-Cardboard-Mini-ziploc bag-Sand-Metal cutter-Glue-Glaze