Introduction: DIY Yoga Props

About: I'm a student who likes making things!

This is an instructable on how to make yoga props. Yoga props can help to make yoga more accessible and safer for everyone - even experts. In this instructable, I will show you how to DIY yoga blocks, straps, and bolsters, the three most important yoga props and how to use them. This is an easy and free project since everyone should be able to do yoga.



  • a shoebox, books, a pop-tart box, or something similar


  • a belt, 2 ties tied together, thick ribbon, a bathrobe belt, or something similar


  • a towel, blanket, rolled up sleeping bag, or something similar

Step 1: Yoga Blocks

What You Need

a shoebox, books, a pop-tart box, or something similar

How to Use

Your DIY yoga blocks can be used to help reach the floor in poses like Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) to increase flexibility as in the picture above

It can also be used in forward bends to give a better foundation

You can even use your DIY yoga blocks to engage inner thighs by putting the block between your legs

Step 2: Yoga Straps

What You Need

a belt, 2 ties tied together, thick ribbon, a bathrobe belt, or something similar

How to Use

In yoga, straps are used to help with proper alignment and increasing flexibility in poses like backbends and handstands by forcing the arms to stay shoulder width apart

When reaching for your feet in poses like forward bends, straps can be used to reach further to increase the stretch

Step 3: Yoga Bolsters

What You Need

a towel, blanket, rolled up sleeping bag, or something similar

How to Use

Bolsters can be used to support yourself when lying on your back for better relaxation

It can also be used when sitting cross-legged to make the pose easier

First Time Authors Contest 2016

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First Time Authors Contest 2016