Introduction: Easy-to-make Cardboard Plane!

About: I am a builder, gamer, and person that make mainly airplanes, mini cars and anything mechanical. Please follow and favorite, it means a lot!

These steps will show you how to make a cardboard plane :D

Step 1: Supplies

You will need:

Masking Tape


3 paper clips

Two cardboard tubes


Step 2: Wings

Cut the cardboard tubes into wing about a little less than a half than the other one and repeat.

Step 3: Attaching the Wings

Attach the wings and attach small pieces about a inch large and tape them under the wings for support.

Step 4: Smaller Wings

Attach small wings the same way as the large ones.

Step 5: Paperclips

Add two paper clips up front and one in the back.

Step 6: Decorate/Fly!

Decorate your plane (optional) and fly! :D