Introduction: H.S.S.R. V2 (Heavy Support Splodie Rifle).

(I'am from holland so my english isn't always that good :P)

Welcome to my 1st instructable. In this instructable you'll see how the HSSR is made.

The HSSR shoots splodies, with a rang of 30-50 ft (depends rubberbands). The gun is bolt-action, so it has to be cocked every time you want to fire. It doesnt has a hopper, so you also have to load it every time you want to fire. The gun fires a lot of diffirent splodies but I prefer the red lenghth splodies.

I hope this instructable is clear enough to build it, if you have any comment or tip; Plz tell me.

good luck,

Infinnion ;)

EXTRA: you can add some grey connectors to the side of the gun to hold splodies.

WARNING: I'm not responsible for any damage to urself, your house, your cat. So plz dont shoot at animals or people (or expensive windows:P:P:P).

Step 1: Front Piece (barrel and Most of the Mechanism).

This instructable excits out of 7 steps:

- front piece
- middel piece
- stock
- top piece
- complete assembley and the rubber bands
- "lock and load" shooting the damn thing

Front piece:

just follow instructions on photos.

Step 2: Middle Piece

making the middle piece, includes grip and trigger.

Just follow instructions on the photos

Step 3: Stock Piece

this is an easy piece,

just follow the instructions on the photos again ><

Step 4: Top Piece

very short step

Step 5: Complete Assembly and Rubber Bands

putting it al together

Step 6: Firing It

Ok this is how it works:

You make a splodie, pull back the bolt, lock the bolt, put in a splodie ( make sure it is between the to connector things), and fire it.

Finaly... I made my 1st instructable, It took some time (bout 2,5 hours...) And it was pretty boring to do, but worth it.

have fun,