Introduction: How to Make a Mould From Lego Out of Silicone & Make Bricks Out of Resin, Silicone & Chocolate DIY


Materials & tools:

Lego bricks & baseplate

2 components silicone

epoxy resin

mixing cups



gram scale





Step 1: The Silicone Mould

Build a frame out of Lego bricks on a Lego baseplate. Make a second layer. Place a few Lego bricks in the frame. Every brick needs space to the frame and the other bricks. Mix together 2 components silicone and fill the form with it. Let the silicone dry and remove the frame.

Step 2: Preparation

Dissolve the silicone mold and remove the bricks. Remove the overlap from the silicone mould.

Step 3: Make Some Bricks Out of Silicone

Mix together 2 components silicone and fill the mould with it. Let it dry and remove the silicone bricks. Cut the overlap and enjoy your silicone bricks.

Step 4: Some Out of Resin

Mix togehter 2 components epoxy resin and fill the form. Let it dry and remove the bricks.

Step 5: And a Few Out of Chocolate

Melt chocolate and fill the form with it. Remove the bubbles with a spoon and the chocolate excess. Put the form in the fridge for an hour and enjoy your Lego chocolate bricks. Look at my other work.

Unusual Uses Challenge 2017

Participated in the
Unusual Uses Challenge 2017

Invention Challenge 2017

Participated in the
Invention Challenge 2017