Introduction: How to Make a Notepad

About: Mechatronics Engineer. Imagination is more important than knowledge. #Tinkering

This is a notepad make with wood and aluminum.

Step 1: Materials

The materials are:

  1. Wood
  2. Wire
  3. Pen
  4. Drill
  5. Cutting plier
  6. Paper
  7. Glue
  8. Something flat

Step 2: Brand

Measure the wire and brand .

Step 3: Bend

Bend the wire the same way like the picture.

Step 4: Drill

Make the hole for the wire.

Step 5: Glue

Finally with glue put the flat things.

Step 6: Ready

Now is ready for yours note.

Makerspace Contest

Participated in the
Makerspace Contest