Introduction: How to Be Swagger

About: I love corn bread and will do anything for a relationship that doesn't last only one date! ARGH!

Hey all my home dawgs out there!  This is how to have swagger so keep reading....believe me, you need help.

Step 1: Buy an Expensive Car

Everyone loves a rich person.  So offer rides in a super expensive car to get people to be friends with you.  You need this, this is a necessity so don't skimp out on something pricey.  Even if you end up paying off loans the rest of your life, you need this.

Step 2: Play the Part

Now, you need to act more swagger.  When walking down the street, you need to take your time and look straight ahead.  Make that street a runway.  You are the only person that matters.  Come on turn yo' SWAG on. 

Step 3: Purchase These Necessities

This is crucial to your "swagger" look.  You need aviator sunglasses, preferably dark colored.  You also need a flat brim hat, some genie pants, high top sneakers, and axe.  Combing these items will give you that perfect swag everyone envies.  


If you look like this you need even more help.  More help that chili and these steps can provide.  GO FIND IT SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!!!