Introduction: Lasercut Battery Organizer

A simple lasercut battery organizer, suitable for 18650, AA and AAA batteries. It fits snugly into an IKEA Dragan bamboo box. It features room to store a battery charger, accessories and other battery sizes in the lower compartment. The top can hold many batteries of different sizes.


- IKEA Dragan bamboo box

- MDF sheet, 5mm

- Lasercutter

- sandpaper to enlarge the holes if necessary (optional)

Step 1: Lasercut the SVG File

Edit the holes or pattern to fit your needs. Note that the holes for AA and 18650 in the file are a bit too narrow and needed to be sanded.

Step 2: Assemble the Box

The box does not need glue as it's a friction fit and will be held in place by the larger bamboo box.