Introduction: Make a Helicopter Out of a Paper Clip

In this Instructable you will learn how to make a helicopter out of a paper clip. This is my first instructable.

Step 1: Gather Materials

1. a paper clip
2. a rubber band
3. masking tape
4. about 2-3 min

Step 2: Bend the Clip

Take the paper clip and bend the long edge so that it is straight. It doesn't have to be perfectly straight.

Step 3: Fold the Loop

Take the Paper clip then bend the inside loop so that it touches the end of the paper clip like in the picture.

Step 4: Attach the Tape

Hold the long straight end and at the very bottom and take about 2 inches of tape and fold the tape on the bottom.

Step 5: Let It Fly!

Take your new Helicopter and stick the loop into the rubber band and pull the helicopter back then let it fly!

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