Introduction: 5 in 1 Arduino Robot | Follow Me | Line Following | Sumo | Drawing | Obstacle Avoiding

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This robot control board contains an ATmega328P microcontroller and an L293D motor driver. Of course, it is no different from an Arduino Uno board but it is more useful because it does not need another shield to drive the motor! It is free from jumper clutter and can be easily programmed with the CH340G. While driving two DC motors, you can also control different sensors by using I / O pins with this card. In this project, we used an HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor and an IR infrared sensor. In addition, one servo motor was used.

Step 1: Step by Step Project Video

You can program a robot with 5 different scenarios with this control card. The following scenarios are included in this project:

SUMO mode: It is a sport in which two robots attempt to push each other out of a circle (in a similar fashion to the sport of sumo).

Follow Me Mode: It can sense the presence of object to be followed using HC-SR04 sensor.

Tracking Mode: Line follower Robot is a vehicle which follows a line, either a black line or white line.

Avoiding Mode: Obstacle Avoiding Robot is an intelligent device which can automatically sense the obstacle in front of it and avoid them by turning itself in another direction.

Drawing Mode: It contains servo motor and a pen. It can draw its own movement tracks on the surface.

Step 2: Required Hardwares

In this project, DIP type components were used for easy soldering.

Step 3: PCB Gerber File and Schematic

In this project, I have choosen PCBWay. PCBWay is the only way to make this project happen a very low cost and high quality.

Product Detail

  • Board type : Single PCB
  • Size : 53.3mm x 66mm
  • Layers : 2 Layers
  • Total: 5 Pcs / US $5

Get the PCB Gerber & Schematic -

Step 4: 3D .stl Files

Print Settings

Step 5: Connections

IR Sensor

  • IR Sensor Signal pin to Digital 12
  • IR Sensor VCC pin to +5V
  • IR Sensor GND to GND

HC-SR04 Sensor

  • ECHO pin to Digital 5
  • TRIG pin to Digital 6
  • VCC pin to +5V
  • GND pin to GND

Motor A

  • Motor A 1 to Digital 2
  • Motor A 2 to Digital 4
  • Motor A Enable to Digital 3

Motor B

  • B Motor B 1 to Digital 10
  • Motor B 2 to Digital 11
  • Motor B Enable to Digital 9

Step 6: Source Code

You can program a robot with 5 different scenarios with this control card. The following scenarios are included in this project:

  1. SUMO mode: It is a sport in which two robots attempt to push each other out of a circle (in a similar fashion to the sport of sumo).
  2. Follow Me Mode: It can sense the presence of object to be followed using HC-SR04 sensor.
  3. Tracking Mode: Line follower Robot is a vehicle which follows a line, either a black line or white line.
  4. Avoiding Mode: Obstacle Avoiding Robot is an intelligent device which can automatically sense the obstacle in front of it and avoid them by turning itself in another direction.
  5. Drawing Mode: It contains servo motor and a pen. It can draw its own movement tracks on the surface.

Get the Source Code:

PCB Design Challenge

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PCB Design Challenge