Introduction: Makey Makey Slider

About: 💡UK Teacher💡Computing specialist💡Real teacher in an actual classroom💡Dad💡#MakerED💡Makey Makey Ambassador💡#PrimaryEducation💡 #STEMteacher💡#CASMasterTeacher 💡#3DPrinting nerd💡

Create a sliding scale using cardboard and a Makey Makey.


Makey Makey


Hot Glue gun

Copper tape

Step 1: Makey Makey Slider

On a Friday afternoon I don't have any classes to teach, and I'm usually to tired to do any real work, so I give myself a tinkering hour. I've had this idea for a slider using Makey Makey in my head for a while, put it together with a few bits of cardboard and it works great! Thought I'd share it as my FIRST EVER Instructable!

Step 2: The Baseboard

I started with a sheet of card (Old Amazon delivery box!) and added 6 evenly spaced sheets of copper tape. You need to make sure the copper tape goes over one of the edges, as you're going to connect crocodile clips to it later.

The next step is to place two strips of cardboard across the copper tape. Make sure to only glue to outer edge of the cardboard so your slider can mover under them.

Step 3: The Slider

The next step is to create the slider. Again this is put together from folder card. Make sure it's the right width to go under both strips of your cardboard!

Add copper tape toone slide of the slider. You can see in the image that the copper tape wraps over and round the side of the slider. This connect then touches the thin strip of copper under one of the card strips. It's hard to explain in words, but the pictures explain it! This connection is what triggers the Makey Makey as it slides up and down.

You can see I also added a rail down the middle of the slider. This just made the sliding action smoother and steadier. You might want to add this as an extra!

Step 4: Connecting the Makey Makey

Once you've got the sliding motion working smoothly you're ready to connect the Makey Makey board! You'll notice the wire at the top connected to the thin strip on copper tape underneath. This is the wire you connect to the Earth section of the Makey.

The rest is simple. Just go along the bottom of the cardboard and add the crocodile clips. Make sure you make a note of what order you add the clips in as you'll need this information with you're programming. I always go for up, down, left, right, space, w when I'm working with a Makey board.

That's basically it. The fun part comes from you! Once you've built it, you'll need to think about what you're going to program it to do? Maybe a wallbreaker game, a musical scale! Share your builds!!