Introduction: Morning Wake Up Scrub

About: I love using Mother Earth's gifts to heal and I strongly believe in healing Mother Earth any time I can! I am an activist of upcycling and recycling.

Wake up with this natural facial scrub.

Step 1: Gather Ingredients

Raw honey

Lemon juice

Crushed orange peel

Final container

Optional Essential Oils:

Tea tree




Step 2: Add Orange Peel

Add orange peel to container

Step 3: Add Honey

Add desired amount of honey

Step 4: Add Lemon Juice

Add desired amount of lemon juice

Step 5: ​Optional Step: Add Essential Oils

Add optional essential oils:

Tea tree essential oil

Lemon essential oil

Eucalyptus essential oil

Orange essential oil

Step 6: Wait 24 Hours

Wait 24 hours for the orange peel to soak up the honey and lemon juice and soften up.

Step 7: Enjoy Every Morning

Enjoy every morning to wake up and cleanse your face.