Introduction: Paper Football Field Goal Kicker

About: Maker and builder- aspiring woodworker and engineer

I got tired of missing and missing field goals in paper football, so I built this. This kicks the field goals for you, and it is 90% accurate. I made it out of PVC pipes and rubberbands. Feel free to comment.

Step 1: Materials

To build the Paper Football Field Goal Kicker, you'll need:
7-3" long 1/2 inch wide pvc pipes
2-6 1/2" long 1/2 inch wide pvc pipes
1-1" long 1inch wide pvc pipe
1-6" long 1/2 inch wide pvc pipe
7-1/2 inch wide elbows
2-1/2 inch wide t-joints
2 rubberbands
paper football

Step 2: The Base

Use 6 3" long pvc pipes, 4 elbows, and 2 t-joints to build the base. After you assemble it, cut a small cut in one of the end 3". This will hold your football.

Step 3: The Kicker

Use the two 6 1/2" long pvc pipes, 3 elbows, one 1" long and wide pvc pipe, one 6" long, super glue, and 2 rubberband to assemble this step.

Step 4: Put It All Together

Put the kicker and the base together.

Klutz Rubber Band-Powered Contest

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Klutz Rubber Band-Powered Contest