Introduction: Papercraft Low Poly Wolf Mask

I made a low poly wolf mask out of paper and now I want to share it with You guys. It fits a child's head, but You can always scale it up, using 3D computer graphics software like Blender.

To make your own, You will need:


3D graphics software or a program that creates buildable papercraft models like Pepakura


Some thick paper (I recommend 250 g/m^2)


Cutting board

Dull knife


Glue stick

Step 1: Change Dimensions and Unfold Your 3D Model

To create the 3D low poly model I used Blender. It's free and it has a lot of functionalities. I attached a .stl file that You can use. If You want to change the dimensions just change the scale. Then unfold the 3D model. It will be divided into islands (in this case 29 islands), and Blender will add flaps on their edges to allow You to glue them together. After unfolding, You have to export the paper model, preferably in a .pdf file (I also attached a .pdf file ready for printing). You can also do all this in Pepakura, but I found that it adds unnecessary edges to models, so I try to avoid using it.

Step 2:

After that You have to print your .pdf file on thick A4 paper.

Step 3: Cutting

You have to carefully cut it out. I prefer scissors, but You can use a utility knife. Be very precise with the edges without any flaps. But when it comes to flaps, I like to add some area, to make it easier to connect the pieces later.

Step 4: Folding

I use a dull knife and a ruler, to trace all the edges. It makes it easier to fold them later.

Step 5: Gluing

I use stick glue to join all the pieces together. Blender marks them to make it easier to find them, but I like to use the 3D model to do this.

Step 6: End Result

When You finish gluing all the pieces together, it should look like this. Do not worry if it got covered in glue. You will probably want to paint over it. If so, i recommend acrylic paint.

Edit: I added the painted version. Oh! And it turns out it fits me too.

Papercraft Contest 2017

Participated in the
Papercraft Contest 2017