Introduction: Rubik's Cube 3x3 Triangle Switch

Md= move the middle part down

Step 1:

The Rubik's cube needs to be solved to do this trick, to see how to solve it check out my other intructable.

Step 2:

Pick two sides.

Step 3:

Now turn the cube like this: Md U

Step 4:

Now turn the cube like this: Md U

Step 5:

Now turn the cube like this: Md U

Step 6:

When it gets to be like the picture, turn the whole cube(not the sides) down then left. Once you do that you continue those steps do: Md UFOUR times. Then you turn the cube again down then left and do the same steps FOUR times.

Step 7:

This should be your outcome if it is not try again, but it you did it congratulations. To get back to normal jut do the same steps again