Introduction: Save Money on Water Bill


A simple trick to save up to a Gallon of water every time you flush your toilet.

Remember to test flush and be sure there is still enough water in the tank to do the job though.

Step 1: Drink All the Milk

Empty and clean a gallon milk container. Don't just dump out the milk. Drink it. But not all at once. Then fill clean gallon with water.

Step 2: Remove Toilet Lid

Remove the toilet lid and it should look something like this. Many new toilets have flush assist devices or a dual flush option to help save water. This is for regular old toilets.

Step 3: Place Gallon in Tank

FLUSH the toilet to empty the tank before placing water filled milk jug inside. Keep away from moving parts. Let fill with water and see how you've displace the tank water with the jug. Place lid back on and we're done.

Step 4: Alternative Methods

If a Gallon won't fit use a half gallon, soda bottle or even a brick. Anything that will displace water saving you $$, pennies may it be, in the end.