Introduction: Secret Key Hiding Spot

This is a easy hiding spot for your spare key or regular key.

Step 1: Gathering Supplies

The supplies you need are:

1. A key sized tin can

2. Rocks

3. Hot glue or glue that would work on rocks

4. scissors (POSSIBLY)

5. A shovel

6. An area in your yard with rocks

Step 2: Cleaning the Rocks

It is important to clean the rocks because if you don't, the glue might not stick to the rocks.

Step 3: Gluing the Rocks to the Tin

When gluing the rocks to the tin make sure you can't see much of the glue.

Step 4: Digging

After you dig the hole make sure the tin is a little under the rocks

Step 5: Placement

Put the key or other item in the tin

Step 6: The Last Step

place the lid on the tin and insert a few rocks around and voilà you have your self a key hiding spot.

Hiding Places Contest

Participated in the
Hiding Places Contest

Unusual Uses Challenge

Participated in the
Unusual Uses Challenge

Reuse Contest

Participated in the
Reuse Contest