Introduction: Simple PaperClip Bow

A Simple PaperClip Bow

Step 1: First Step

Get Your Matrials:
1 Hefty PaperClip
1 Medium Ruber Band
Some Optional Tape

Step 2: Bend That Sucker

Bend the paperclip into a straight "C" shape

Step 3: Atatch the Rubber Band and Bend

Simply slide the rubberband onto the paper clip, and then bend the edges up so it won't come off as you pull back. Then add tape to were your going to shoot the amo from (or not, its optional)

Step 4: There Ya Go

There, you have it! My first instructible, you have made an offical instructibles paperclip bow and arrow!

Things to do:
Make a Trigger
Make A Crossbow
Make a Quiver