Introduction: The Lightning Scythe, a Knex Bolt Action Assault Rifle

I just finished this thing recently, so I wanted to share it with I'bles.
This is my Knex Bolt action assault rifle , that also features a removable magazine. 

- A nice range, 60-75 feet (with the bands I am using) If you want anymore, you need to put some sort of force-bracer on the pieces or they'll end up breaking :P
- Sturdy gun , 5 layers
- True trigger , Bolt action
- Removable magazine ( idk if thats a pro, to some yes , however, it all depends on you)
- Iron Sights
- 5 round magazine :(  (but the mag is easily moddable to accommodate larger amounts of bullets each time)
- A bit big when in sniper rifle state ( well ...its a sniper rifle
- Takes a bit of time to put on sniper parts ...but I'll try to fix that later
- Broken. Flipping. Pieces. Dang I'm really starting to under-appreciate these things, but I'm sure with time I can find my way around these . :P