Introduction: The Ultimate Guide to Eco Living

This Instructible will show you how to live greener with some tips ranging from a small tweak in your life to a large shift.

Step 1: Living Green

Green living can be a small change that barely effects you, or a complete lifestyle, but implementing just one of these changes completely into your life can have a big impact on the environment.

**If anyone has something that they have heard that I have missed, then PM me or write it in the comments. I will try to add it ASAP**

***Please vote in the Earthjustice United States of Efficiency Contest!***

Step 2: The Car

The car is a large user of energy. If you can cut that down as much as possible, then you can save our planet from a lot of CO2. Here are some ways to cut emissions:

-Tune up your car regularly, a badly tuned car can have a 20 percent energy penalty

-Get (or see if you have) tires with low rolling resistance as they improve gas mileage

-Get a hybrid, natural gas, or high mileage car, the lower the emissions, the better for the

-Don't use AC in the car, you can lose up to 21 percent of your gas mileage. Open a window!

-Buy used cars, that way the energy for one car is all that s used instead of that car being

-Carpool to work or school

Step 3: The House

The house also uses a lot of energy, so lowering your utility bills is a good thing. Here are some ways to reduce your house's CO2 emissions.

-Make sure that your house is properly insulated, one small leak can consume a lot of energy
over the year.

-Get bamboo flooring. It is a more renewable resource as it grows faster.

-In summer, waster at only dawn and dusk so that less water evaporates and more water is
absorbed by the plants.

-Plug electronics into power strips so that you can turn them off and kill the "Fantom Draw."

-Turn down the thermostat/heater in the winter and turn it up in the summer. Only by a couple
degrees, but it makes a difference. In the winter, wear a jacket, in the summer, use a fan.

-Buy a thermometer(a small investment) so that you can controll your temperature by opening
and closing the windows when it is hotter outside than in.

-Turn off your lights in a room that you are not in as well as a room that is well lit by sunlight

-Switch from conventional bulbs, to CFLs or LED bulbs

-Buy a "Pause" shower head, use less water

-Take short showers

-Get solar panels

-Lower your water heater temperature, they often go to heats that we never use, and it wastes
energy to heat it

-Put an insulating jacket on your water heater to keep the heat in and use less energy to heat
the water {Thanks iPodGuy!}

Step 4: Miscellaneous

The previous are the two main categories but there are also things that don't really fit into those categories. Here are some of them.

-Use a reusable lunch bag to reduce waste from paper bags

-Use a "pause" shower head and pause while you are soaping up to save unneeded water

-Take shorter showers

-Gollect rain for free (and green) water

-Use reusable canvas or fabric shopping bags

-Wash laundry in bigger loads to use less water

-Compost to save food from the landfill and get free mulch

-Donate your old clothes, don't waste them

-Buy organic, local food, it is better for the environment, it supports your local farmers, and
saves emissions on transport

-Buy green products because, well, they're green!

-Use eco-jewelery, and things that you can make yourself, like hemp

-Recycle batteries rather than throwing them out

-Get a green computer that uses less energy (like from this contest!)

-Set your computer to go to sleep so that it is not using energy while idle

-Set your dishwasher on energy saver and turn of the "pre-rinse" which isn't needed as long
as there is nothing big still stuck on things

-Buy stuff used, at garage sales, freecycle, Craig's List, etc.

-Save paper. Don't print things unless you must, or will use it more than one time. Try to keep
things on the computer

- Recycle

-And last but not least... make stuff from Instructibles to reuse items and recycle by yourself

Earthjustice United States of Efficiency Contest

Participated in the
Earthjustice United States of Efficiency Contest