Introduction: Villager Cloning House

About: I like to make Star Wars props. And some LOTR I haven't uploaded them yet but will soon.

Note this house will not work on Pe may work after update. Ok this is a good way to get grate trades from villager or to get more villagers in your world. Ps after you put 2 villager in it will take a long time for it to make them go in heart mode

Step 1: 10 by 10

Make a 10 long square

Step 2: Make It 1 Block Taller

Make it a block taller and put doors on top of it you will need at least 35 doors for this step.

Step 3: Torches

Ok your almost done you have to put a block above the doors and you need to get 2 villager now you have a villagers cloning house! Pleas comment if you have made your own villager cloning house and be nice this is my first instructables.